Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sawyer vs. baby food

Sawyer is almost 5 months old! What happened? Where did the time go? Some how life sped up 100xs faster when he was born. Everyday he changes, grows, learns, laughs, is a fuss bucket, or just looks at you in a new way. It melts your heart and leaves you speechless all at once. Sorry for the gush but I have to write, I have a great life and family. There are certainly days that are more tedious than others... like today and the baby show down: Sawyer vs. baby food.

Sawyer has been eating solids for about a month now. He has done pretty well and so far has consumed: bananas, peas, sweet potatoes, prunes, apples, pears, and rice cereal. All and all -- he has eaten a lot and come out great. But today, we were not so lucky. He was the definition of a fuss bucket: his stomach hurt, he's teething, and he was not having any of anything that we could give him to make him feel better. Only when we took him on a walk was he calm. What to do? Prune juice in his bottle was the trick -- for now. Poor guy. Tomorrow's breakfast will also be prunes. Final score: baby food 1, Sawyer 0. Don't worry, we will have a rematch soon!

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