Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Pregnancy + Shopping Before Christmas + Terrible Weather = OMG Get the F' Out of My Way or I Will Run You Over

Doesn't this subtitle just explain everything? And yes kids, F' means fudge. Lots of fudge.

In Denver right now there is a ton of snow and tons of people in a hurry which means lots of accidents (I saw three tonight). And of course, you want to error on the side of caution. Pulse those brakes, drive at least 5 miles under the speed limit, and don't try to run that yellow light -- be patient and wait for the green. But please, please, please pay attention and when it is your turn to go right -- go. If you are at a stop sign, when it is your turn -- go. Do not sit there and let everyone else go in front of you. Those people don't know you are trying to spread the Christmas spirit. The other cars think you are being weird or have car trouble -- and because it is Christmas -- they ware waiting for you to go and give back the love to you. And so the end of the story is, the lady behind you in the green CR-V who started flashing her lights (who you waved back to) was me, pregasaurus, I will eat you if you don't watch out.

On a better note, I do love Christmas. I love buying gifts for everyone and making baskets of goodies to pass out to our friends and neighbors. I miss all of my family and friends right now -- so if you are reading this -- know that you are in my (and Jess') hearts.

1 comment:

  1. This post cracked me up! I was laughing out loud at work over it :-) Thankfully you wont be pregasaurus forever!!
