Friday, February 19, 2010

Two weeks today

Here we are 14 days out from Sawyer's birth and with help from our family (thanks Mom and Aunt Kate! Also, Jess' family arrived today to help!) and friends (Stephanie -- you v-day cookies were the best! Jaalah -- always a blessing to have such a great friend who lets me borrow crucial mom equipment) -- Sawyer, Jess and I are doing great.

I have been terrible about updating this and requests are coming in from everyone for more photos, info, etc., etc. I am sorry but this week is going to be a busy one again -- but I promise to start creating posts soon.

Some future post titles to look forward too:
  • Little Squirt: How to change a diaper as fast as possible in order to keep the changing table dry
  • Sleep 101 for new parents: Thank goodness I am an insomniac by nature
  • Eat, Poop, Sleep and Repeat: My Son's life thus far
  • Life didn't change as I knew it (so what was warned) but just got way better
  • C-Section recovery ~ ya, it pretty much just sucks
In the mean time, check out my little Sister's new blog -- she started it 3 days after our Sawyer was born.

Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I'm so happy for you . .congrats on your son . .Sawyer . . love the name! I'm glad to read you are doing well, Shannon told me you had your son a little early. Congrats to Grandma Jo too!!! Keep blogging and adding pics! Get in touch the next your in Indy! Susan Songer
