Monday, May 31, 2010

Single Mom Shout-Out

This holiday weekend I have been playing single Mom while Jess has been out of town for work. It is time-consuming, craziness with little sleep and little help (thanks goes to Kate M. who came over today for a few hours and I was able to go grocery shopping!). I can't imagine doing this single Mom gig all the time. So shout-outs go to my Sister and my Aunt who both have more experience at this than I do. Also shout-out to my Mom who had to take care of us when my Dad traveled all the time for work. Suffice to write, I have two days left without Jess and I am literally counting down the hours until he returns home.

One thing that would have been easier is if Sawyer hadn't been so fussy this weekend. No one feels good with an upset stomach. A baby with an upset stomach -- no one feels good, the dog is freaking out over the crying, the people at Target feel sorry for you, and you become a cheerleader for messy diapers! I did learn one thing -- Sawyer HATES prune juice. Enjoy the photos and love to you all!

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