Today was a day in history for our little Colorado family. No, no, Sawyer did not eat meat and potatoes. Sorry for the disappointment. However all day long I kept thinking to myself, "If he could only eat meat and potatoes -- we would not be going through this crazy day." A day that will live in infamy -- at least until he tops it again.
On to the story of the day. Our son, Sawyer James Harris, ate more formula today than he has ever eaten in his whole life. But not just an extra 8 ounces...not just 16 extra ounces... oh no dear readers, he ate an extra 24 ounces more than he has ever eaten. In fact Sawyer ate almost 8 ounces every 2.5 hours or less. For those of you not familiar with how much babies his age normally eat -- it is around 32 ounces of milk/formula in one day. Also, he eats solids for breakfast and dinner. BUT today for some reason (growth spurt? hungry hungry hippo-itus?) he was hungry and he ate a ton -- over 56 ounces of food. It was a crazy day. He ate and then slept and then ate some more.
It was a long day and the whole time I thought, "If I could just put some meat and potatoes in a blender, into his bottle -- he would be full and satisfied."
damn. now can you please post a picture of your son. I forget what he looks like. thank you.