Top ten things that will make me really happy once Sawyer is potty trained:
10. No more diapers! They are expensive and a pain in the butt.
9. No more giant poopy diapers. Yep, almost-2 year olds have giant poops.
8. More toilet paper on the roll. Right now Sawyer is obsessed with getting as much off the roll as possible to wipe himself with. This means we are wasting tons of toilet paper on teaching him how to use toilet paper. I actually had to get the plunger out the other day when I accidentally left the bathroom door open and he tried to flush the whole roll. Seriously - doesn't that sound like a cartoon or something where the kid flushes the toilet paper roll? Well, that is my life right now!
7. No more pee on the floor. No explanation needed for that one.
6. No more saying, "Are you pooping? Are you pooping? Need to use the potty???" while walking behind my son. I think I can skip that explanation too.
5. No more tantrums for the potty treats. We have peanut M&Ms for a potty reward and sometimes he just wants one with going. Yah - I am going to be happy to get the candy out of the bathroom soon.
4. Undies! Yay for underwear!
3. No more Elmo potty DVD. However, this is an amazing DVD and has worked wonders.
2. Achieving this important milestone! Sawyer is so close being potty training. Now it just takes a little extra push to get him there. We can do it!
1. And the number one reason - I will no longer get peed on when he tries going and misses!
Can you guess what happened to me tonight? Let's just say that he got me good but was really aiming for the potty... he is trying!
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