Monday, October 12, 2009

Why don't they make what I want.....

First off, I'd like to do a shout out to Jaalah for coming with me to Babies R' Us and helping getting my head around registering for baby stuff. Thank you so much because without you, I would probably be in the store still walking around trying to find what I need!

Registering has been kind of overwhelming for me and I am a little over it. But I am almost done and have just a few things left that are on my "must have" list to figure out. One major problem I have run into is finding a stroller travel system that is non-gender specific and cute. The running stroller I love and foresee using that as a regular stroller when he is a little older (they make inserts for babies too that I will put on the registry soon). But the travel stroller system I have gone back an forth on. Also, the travel pack n' play has been a struggle. Why don't these manufacturers produce something that is plain and cute? Why does everything need some type of pattern? Ugh. I just want something in plain black or plain dark chocolate brown that will work for our second generation someday as well. Also, these colors would be the best to clean if ever dirty or what have you. Why don't they make this? I don't get it. Someone call Babies R' Us for me and put in a request.

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