Monday, March 29, 2010

Fussiness = New Mom staying up and writing

Right now while I write this Sawyer is in his room, wide awake, and making little sounds that are preemptive cries. Wait a second...

OK, I'm back. He just belted out a full wail. Seems his pacifier fell out of his mouth.... Where was I? Oh yes, fussiness = me staying up and making sure that my son stays asleep -- and because I am awake (and Jess is out with his friends for the night -- all good men and women deserve a night off once in awhile) this also means that I am staying up and writing.

For those of you who don't know, writing (and reading) has been a passion of mine since I can remember. A good example is from when  my sister and I stole candy from the grocery store (we were very young, I don't even remember it) -- and of course we got caught -- our mother made us write notes to the grocery store apologizing for what we had done.

In my note, I apologized that I  "filched" the candy but the grocery store shouldn't have put it so low that I could get to it... Long story short, I wrote a whole page long letter (I will post a scanned copy of this note soon) with random language and a thoughtful written argument.

Really, how in the heck did I know the word filch? And was able to use it in a sentence? That is awesome. But this example of early childhood writing also shows how much that I loved (love) writing... because even as a little kid I wanted to show off that I could write something -- something that had never been read before...and those idiots should have put the candy higher up on the shelf.

The point of this story? I am really not sure (Sawyer has interrupted several times now) but I do know that it was fun to write.

Love to you all!

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