Thursday, March 04, 2010

Little Squirt

As far as changing a diaper goes -- there is not much science or skill behind it. You take off the dirty diaper, wipe the little bugger's bum, and put a new dry one on. Simple, easy, done. At least this is what I thought before Sawyer came into our lives.

In reality, changing a dirty diaper can be a much more harrowing experience involving multiple diaper wipes, multiple diapers, sometimes three different baby outfits, and at least two to three changing pads -- all in one sitting. You might read this and assume I am exaggerating, being a new parent and all. However, trust me when I write, I am not exaggerating. Sawyer has accomplished this and sometimes more with one diaper change. Granted, these diaper changes that go on like marathons are usually at night sometime in the 2-3 a.m. range when I am not in my best capacity and thus not quick enough when he surprises me with a sneak squirt attack (which can come from both ends!). But it has happened several times, and this is why his new nickname is Little Squirt.

Today he also had his first projectile spit-up...I don't have a good nickname for that one... so we are just sticking with Little Squirt for now! 

Love to you all! Also, thanks for all the well wishes from everyone we have received online ~ it is appreciated!

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