Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trip to the ER

Poor Sawyer has had a cold for the last few weeks. We have taken him to the doctor and everything was going well until yesterday when his temperature warranted a trip to the ER since the doctor's office was closed. Not good. The doctor thought he was lethargic -- and since we were there and you can never tell with little ones (under 12 weeks old) what is really wrong with them -- Sawyer underwent a battery of tests. Chest x-ray, blood drawn, catheter urine test... there were a lot of tests. No one ever told me how upsetting it is to watch your child be in pain. It was not fun -- we cried through it together. Thank goodness Jess met us there from work, I don't know how I would've handled it alone.

Along with that crazy adventure yesterday, we are now back to looking to have a nanny come into our home instead of taking him to an in-home childcare facility. This decision was made after yesterday's chaos. I had already done some research and talked to a few people -- so this will be easier to accomplish but it is more work. Sigh. Welcome to the chaos of our lives.


  1. How awful :-( I hope they figured out what was wrong with him! Any word on it? And I'm glad Jess could be there with you. I can't even imagine how heartbreaking that must have been! Hope he's doing better!
    And I hope you find good/better care for Sawyer during the days. It totally sucks that finding childcare has been this stressful!
    I'm here whenever you just need to vent!!

  2. Thanks Kate!! We are doing good and Sawyer is good -- I will give you a complete update on everything when I see you next week! :)

  3. Good Gracious,Erin, I'm sorry that happened. Is Sawyer feeling better?? I've been there, it's so scary, and so wonderful to have your husband right beside you feeling the same feelings, the only person who can share it. It does get a little easier as they get older when they can tell you what hurts and they are not as fragile. :)
